Reframe yourself

Have you been coming up against a challenge over and over again recently and aren’t sure that you’ll ever be able to figure it out? Are you feeling defeated, and like you aren’t good enough to keep going? Are you afraid to tackle something new, fearing that you won’t be able to be successful? If…

New year, new intentions

Dear one, Namaste! So… this is officially my 1st mail of 2023… And the 1st of 1’000s more to come this year… lol… 🤣 I will also skip the whole “Happy New Year” thingy… which you’ve sent/received a whole lot for the past few days… Instead… Let’s jump into something super useful and tactical… to…


What is the Polarity method, a new form of energy healing, all about? Energy exchange looks like poetry in motion. The Polarity method, a new healing method energy healers are embracing now, is a case in point. The Polarity method is an ‘intuitive touch therapy.’“It helps in aiding general well-being, gaining focus and clarity, and…