Dear Brethren, By now, you’ve probably heard of Mindfulness. But have you heard of Heartfulness? Probably not. Heartfulness takes meditation a step further and awakens the real doorway to perception, destiny and self-awareness: Your heart. If you’ve grown up with questions about who you are and why you’re here, Heartfulness can help you find out.…

Releasing the Effects of Child Abuse

The Child Is Innocent: Releasing the Effects of Child Abuse – by Alice M. Givens, Ph.D. Introduction Even with the spotlight of publicity on child abuse today, confusion and misunderstanding reign regarding its occurrence. Hostility and even hatred of children exist in our culture and in other cultures as well, and the prevalence of abuse…

Hypnosis is an established SCIENCE

The Scientific Proof Behind Hypnosis Despite what many people believe, hypnosis has nothing to do with stage hypnotism. The latter is simply a performance designed to entertain, while real hypnosis is a potent and accessible tool for dealing with psychological and behavioural problems. So what is hypnosis? It is a state of highly focused attention…

The Science of Mind Over Matter

 – Dr. Natwar Sharma Shift in the modality or process, in any existing system, is very A much in response to changing times. What is interesting to observe and note is whether these radical changes follow a linear or circular pattern in time. Consider the medical scenario five decades ago. Specialists and super specialists in…