The Journey of the Soul

The Journey of the Soul It is our intuition that leads us to realize that we are on a journey of the soul back to our Source and that what occurs in each lifetime is appropriate  for the stage of that individual’s journey. Pecci states the underlying assumption: ‘There is a primordial Essence characterized by…


RELAXATION   We all face stressful situations throughout our lives, ranging from minor annoyances like traffic jams to more serious worries, such as a loved one’s grave illness. No matter what the cause, stress floods your body with hormones. Your heart pounds, your breathing speeds up, and your muscles tense. This so-called “stress response” is…

Why is Holistic / Spiritual Healing So Effective?

Why is Holistic / Spiritual Healing So Effective? Holistic/spiritual healing with powerful techniques  is profound and highly effective. Why to Use a Holistic/Spiritual Approach: A holistic approach is essential, because everything is energy, and everything is connected. Holistic healing touches every level of our being – the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. Approaching healing spiritually…

Womb Regression

Perinatal or Womb Regression Perinatal or womb regression refers to moving clients back through time to re-experience being in the womb. Doctors and scientists have done research into the life of the unborn child, and the memories of that life remain within the subconscious mind. They are accessible with certain techniques, such as hypnosis and age…

Clarifications regarding Spirit Releasement

About Spirit Releasement Have you ever thought, “I’m not myself.”  “This is not me.”  Or a sudden physical condition that can’t be explained?  This is only a couple of things that can indicate an influence from spirit attachment.  Other indications can be: Sudden addiction problem, feeling like you don’t belong, feeling like there’s a cloud…

What is Childhood Regression?

What is Childhood Regression? Feel like a kid sometimes? See the immaturity in others sometimes?  Yes?  That is probably because the child within us still needs to resolve certain issues.  During childhood we have formed some false beliefs and stored negative emotions associated with events in those formative years that creates patterns for our whole…

What is age regression?

What is age regression? Sigmund Freud believed age regression was an unconscious defense mechanism. It was a way the ego could protect itself from trauma, stress, or anger. Still, other psychologists think of age regression as a way for people to achieve a therapeutic goal. It might be used to help a patient recall memories…

The Benefits Of Past Life Regression therapy

The Benefits Of Past Life Regression therapy My regression work consists of a series of two- three hour sessions. Most patients complete their work in from five to ten of these intensive experiences. The longer sessions give adequate time for various stages of the process, and so integration is actually a part of each session…

Intrusive Energy WORK OUT

The nature of everything is illusory and ephemeral. How pitiful they who cling strongly to concrete reality. Turn your attention within my friends.  Nyoshul KhenpoFrom the previous chapters I have illustrated how souls split their energy before incarnating and how the incarnated part can become earthbound. Eventually this soul energy will return to the spirit…