Dear Brethren, By now, you’ve probably heard of Mindfulness. But have you heard of Heartfulness? Probably not. Heartfulness takes meditation a step further and awakens the real doorway to perception, destiny and self-awareness: Your heart. If you’ve grown up with questions about who you are and why you’re here, Heartfulness can help you find out. In his extraordinary book, Designing Destiny: Heartfulness Practices to Find Your Purpose and Fulfill Your Potential, spiritual teacher Kamlesh D. Patel, widely known as Daaji, shows you how to get in touch with this destiny and hidden potential by using the loving practice of Heartfulness now. If you love meditation, you’re already on the right path. As Daaji says, meditation creates the conditions that change you. Take your meditation a step further with this excerpt that gives you a taste of Heartfulness you can use now. To begin, find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed for the next 25 minutes, and follow each of these steps precisely. By the end, you’ll see how quickly Heartfulness can place you in a loving, peaceful state. You may even have some insights about your destiny, too. Heartfulness Cleaning We do the practice of Heartfulness Cleaning at the end of the working day, ideally before sunset, refreshing ourselves and creating a vacuum within, purifying our system of its accumulated heaviness. Although it is simple, there are a number of steps to Cleaning, so in the beginning it is better to practice them in sequence, as follows: Sit in a comfortable position with the intention to remove all the impressions accumulated during the day. Close your eyes and feel relaxed. Imagine all the complexities and impurities are leaving your entire system. They are going out from your back, from the top of your head to your tailbone. Feel they are leaving your system as smoke. Remain alert during the entire process, like a witness to the clouds passing in the sky. Gently accelerate this process with confidence and determination, applying your will as needed. If your attention drifts and events of the day begin to come to mind, gently bring your focus back to the cleaning. As the impressions are leaving from your back, you will start to feel light in your heart. Continue this process for 20 to 25 minutes. When you experience inner lightness, you will naturally find it easy to connect with the Source. Feel a current of purity coming from the Source and entering your system from the front. This current is flowing throughout your system, carrying away any remaining complexities and impurities. You have now returned to a simpler, purer, and more balanced state. Every cell of your body is emanating simplicity, lightness, and purity. We hope you feel renewed by this incredible Heartfulness Cleaning. This is just the beginning. If you’d like more Heartfulness practices, you can order Daaji’s new book, Designing Destiny now. Heartfulness Institute* (Celebrating 75 years) 1945-2020 *subsidiary unit of Shri Ram Chandra Mission, (W.H.Q. Kanha, (vill) Hyderabad, Telengana, India) Promoting an easiest way of practicing meditation, anytime, anywhere free of cost at all levels. Experience the efficacy of Yogic transmission within few minutes. We are inviting you to experiment in your finger-tips. Log into The Heartsapp – android or ios versions, or https://heartfulness.org Everybody more than 15 years old can access freely 24 X 7 11000+ certified trainers around the globe, in 140+ Countries through 6000 + centres (Heartspots) http://heartspots.heartfulness.org/ Meditation for Human Integration Imagine a world in which everyone took a little time each day for calm, quiet and stillness. Close your eyes. Open your heart. And become one. Individual peace leads to world peace – Ram Chandra ( Shahjahanpur) Shri Ram Chandra Mission (SRCM) was registered in India in the year 1945. The Mission is considered a non-profit spiritual organization in India, and in all the countries where it is registered. The Mission is considered a non-profit spiritual organization in India, and in all the countries where it is registered. Shri Ram Chandra Mission, guided by its current president and Global guide, Shri Kamlesh D. Patel, aspires and strives to bring together people of different nationalities and religious backgrounds for meditation and personal change. Through individual spiritual growth, each aspirant becomes an element of a global change on the path toward universal brotherhood. Heartfulness, is a ‘Natural Path’, is a simple practice of meditation on the heart. Derived from the ancient Indian system of raja yoga, Heartfulness, (Sahaj Marg) is taught worldwide. If practiced sincerely, it rapidly brings about a balance between material and spiritual life. The true aim of this highly effective training in spirituality is to take the seeker to the highest goal of human existence – God realization or Self-realization. Transmission-aided meditation is the specialty of Heartfulness. Transmission is an active catalyst for transformation. Approach Heartfulness as a scientist: first meditate without transmission, and then meditate with transmission, comparing the two experiences. For further information Please contact one of our trainers at heartspots.heartfulness.org or email us at info@heartfulness.org Click here to Try Heartfulness Meditation on your own and see how you feel. <http://www.heartfulness.org/> Or you may find nearby Heartfulness meditation centres and trainers at www.heartspot.heartfulness.org or try through Let’s Meditate – android app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.letsmeditate&hl=en Heartsapp- android app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.hfn.unifiedToll free India: 1 800 103 7726, USA & Canada: 1 844 879 4327, Australia: (02) 8004 6547 |